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BC Greens leader to make announcement re leadership

Sonia Furstenau, the BC Green Party leader, is set to give an update on the party’s leadership on Tuesday.
The news of the announcement comes after Furstenau lost her seat in the 2024 B.C. election. She previously had changed ridings on Vancouver Island.
Furstenau was first elected to the Legislature in 2017, when her party played a significant role in helping the New Democratic Party form government with a confidence and supply agreement.
She spearheaded a similar deal at the end of last year, when the Greens and Premier David Eby’s NDP came to an agreement to “work together on a specific set of shared priorities.”
The four-year agreement’s priorities include: health care, affordable housing, creating livable communities, and the economy.
Furstenau is slated to speak on Tuesday at 11 a.m. in Victoria.
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