A two-month police investigation known as “Project Dolphin,” has led to the arrest of four people who are accused of trafficking crystal meth and fentanyl. Members...
Bordered by the busy Gardiner Expressway, Mimico-Queensway has seen a lot of traffic spill into its streets over the years. In 2015, residents decided to speak...
The revelation that a man with a long rap sheet was out on bail when he allegedly shot a Toronto police officer has led to a...
Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown is calling on the province to allow involuntary treatment for residents of Peel with severe addictions, brain injuries and mental illness. “By...
Toronto will be the city that doesn’t sleep for one night this weekend during the annual Nuit Blanche. The festival is the city’s all-night celebration of...
As Toronto continues to deal with a homelessness crisis, one local builder is turning an idea into a reality that could help those who are unhoused have a roof over...
Toronto Police say a number of pedestrians, including a baby and child, have been seriously injured after being struck by a vehicle in Etobicoke. It happened...
A Toronto police officer is in hospital after being shot during a vehicle stop near Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue. Police Chief Myron Demkiw said the...
Toronto Blue Jays president Mark Shapiro is backing general manager Ross Atkins. Shapiro announced that Atkins will return next season after the Blue Jays missed the playoffs...
York Regional Police has announced they will be deploying command posts and additional patrols amid increased tensions in the Middle East and the anniversary of the...