Local News
Handyman, RCMP seeking van stolen from Burnaby

A Metro Vancouver handyman was left frustrated after his van was stolen last week from north Burnaby with his tools inside.
Jairus Wuschenny, owner of The Helpful Handyman, says last Friday morning he woke up to go to work and discovered his van was gone.
“So I went in the house, because this is the second time it’s been stolen… this time I was a little bit more calm, I went inside, I called the RCMP,” said Wuschenny.
The first time his van was stolen, Wuschenny says RCMP were able to find it and almost nothing was missing from the inside. He believes his van will be found again, but admits it’s an expensive situation.
“These vans are a luxury item,” said Wuschenny. “You could pick those vans up for $4,000 to $5,000. Now they’re $8,000 to 9,000.”
Surveillance footage of the lot where the van was parked shows the alleged thief approaching the vehicle around 4 a.m.
Wuschenny says all of his work tools, including grinders, saws, ladders, and hand tools were inside the van, forcing him to buy replacements at a cost of around $1,500.
“I still have to work, I don’t have enough money saved up that I can just take time off.”
In an statement to 1130 NewsRadio, Corp. Mike Kalanj with the Burnaby RCMP says the 2006 Ford E250 van was reportedly stolen from the rear of an apartment building just before 4 a.m.
“The van, which has distinct branding on the side that says ‘Helpful Handyman’ has not yet been located,” said Kalanj.
Anyone with information about incident is asked to contact the Burnaby RCMP