Local News
Record seizure of contraband cigarettes in B.C.

Four suspects have been arrested after police say a multi-jurisdiction investigation led to the province’s largest one-time seizure of contraband cigarettes.
The investigation into alleged drug and contraband tobacco trafficking was carried out by the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of B.C. (CFSEU-BC).
In August 2023, the CFSEU-BC says it received information about an the trafficking network, and its investigation quickly expanded into multiple jurisdictions around the Lower Mainland, and Vancouver Island.
Investigators say they determined that the suspects involved in the trafficking were connected to gangs and organized crime.
In late January, the CFSEU-BC, with help from partner police agencies, executed seven search warrants in Langley, Abbotsford, Surrey and Victoria.
The search warrant resulted in the seizure of the following items:
32 firearms including handguns, assault rifles, and shotguns;
Large quantity of ammunition;
Body armor;
10 pallets of contraband liquor;
35 pallets of contraband cigarettes, with an approximate retail value of $11,000,000;
Approximately a half kilogram of cocaine;
80 Kg of marijuana;
Hydraulic cocaine press and other drug paraphernalia consistent with drug trafficking;
8 Vehicles, including a stolen Porsche Cayenne;
1 speedboat
The CFSEU-BC says its ability to work with partner agencies across multiple jurisdictions allows them to target gang members and groups who impact public safety in multiple communities.
The four suspects have now been released, pending the judicial processes.